What are all the MarketplaceTF discount codes, and what do you get for them? What is worth buying buying on MarketplaceTF? Here’s a list of all the MarketplaceTF discount codes.
There are in total 2 promo codes for MarketplaceTF and these include:
Working promo codes as of 2023
- “scraphat” – Get 1 free craft hat when ordering for $10 or more.
- “case” – Get 1 free 2 cent case per $1 spent
- “cyber” – 6% off your order (one time use)
(updated 27.11.2023)
Previous working promo codes
- “
scream23″ – Get 5% off entire order (lasts whole Halloween event, one time use per account) - “
boo” – Get 1 key free when ordering 13 keys or more. - “
getawhale” – Get -10% on your very first order. Supports getawhale. Can only be used once. - “
uncle” – Get 1 free key when ordering 11 keys or more. Supports Uncle Dane. Can be used every 24 hours. - “
b4nny” – Get 1 free craft hat hat when ordering for $10 or more. Will support b4nny.
Out of these, “getawhale” was the only discount code that could be used once. If you have never used “getawhale” before, you should probably use it. That’s because; out of all of these MarketplaceTF discount codes, “getawhale” is the promo code that will get you the most off.
How do I add a discount code on MarketplaceTF?
What is MarketplaceTF and how do I use?
MarketplaceTF is the most popular “cashout” site for TF2, but not the only one. On this site you can buy and sell TF2 items for real life money through PayPal. MarketplaceTF has been operating since 2013 and has a lot of active users still. The creators of MarketplaceTF have also made ScrapTF.
What are the best items to buy?
If you’ve used the “getawhale” code before, you will get the most out of your money by ordering 11x Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys using the promo code “uncle” at checkout.
If you use another currency than USD, that is worth less, it might also be worth buying MvM parts and flip them on the Steam Community Market, if you want to buy Steam Games or other things from the community market. If we use NOK as an example: let’s say I buy 100x Battle-Worn Robot KB-808 for $0.03 each, that is $3.00, or 27.27 NOK at today’s rates. I can list these on the Steam Community Market for 0.36 NOK (which is the current lowest price while writing this) each, which is 0.32 NOK after Steam tax. If all the Battle-Worn Robot KB-808s were sold, I would get 32.00 NOK after Steam taxes. That is 4.73 NOK ($0.52) more than I paid for!
Steam fees might be different to you. Do you want to know how you calculate Steam fees when trying to sell an item on SCM? You can read about that here [to be added]!
How do I sell my items on MarketplaceTF?
If you’re interested in selling your item(s) for cash or PayPal, I suggest reading [to be added] and [to be added] before doing anything. This way you might be able to profit, instead of losing your money on fees and might be able to turn a profit instead. If you want to make profit you can read [to be added] for different methods and ways to make a couple of bucks extra pretty easy.